Knud Eric Engelsted, Zeta ’78 died unexpectedly on September 24, 2013 at his home in Holden, MA. Eric was from Worcester, MA and attended Phillips Exeter Academy. At Dartmouth he triple majored in Economics, Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering. He played soccer and lacrosse for the College and was an active member of many Psi U teams, including the softball team that won the College Championship in 1976. He also served as co-Rinkmeister for two seasons. He was multilingual and was proud of his Danish heritage. He spent most of his business career at his family’s company, Walker Magnetics, rising to Chairman and CEO. In addition to his love of traveling the world, much of it associated with business, Eric enjoyed fishing, sailing, golf, skiing and anything related to Dartmouth. He was an active alumni and community volunteer. He is survived by his three daughters Julia, Katrina and Isabelle ’13.